zaterdag 11 juli 2009

Team HMC fights itself into semi finals

While we had a difficult morning session where we lost two matches of which we gave one away because I (Jeroen) forgot that we had an outstanding penalty while we had our oponent at the perfect spot. We won only one and just managed to qualify for the repercharge.

IN the quarter finals we managed to win 4 out of 5 races and qualify for the semi finals...

Tonight we had a party completly paid by the organisation.. booze included... and as we all know the polish... lots of wodka...

Tomorrow (or early this morning) we will be in the semi finals... our oponent wil be decided by number one... the forecast is 5 - 10 knots of wind, our favorite!!!

Top 4 is a given by now... our aim has changed from mid-fleet to top three...

Geen opmerkingen: