woensdag 19 november 2008

4de plek op 2de dag winterserie voor team HMC

Onder prachtige zeilcondities; niet te koud en een af en toe pittig windje konden er 2 prachtige races worden gezeild. Met 30 J22s wist Jan Willem Harwijne met team Nasaara de dagoverwinning binnen te slepen met een 3de en een 1ste plek. Team Jabulani werd 2e voor Team JeSchoonmoeder en team HMC met beiden een 2de en een 4de plek.

Doordat team HMC de eerste winterwedstrijd heeft gemist staan we momenteel 10de in de ranglijst.

Winterserie Braassemermeer data:
14 December 2008
18 Januari 2009
15 Februari 2009
22 Februari 2009 (reserve)
22 Maart 2009

De volledige stand in de winterwedstrijden is hier te vinden:

vrijdag 14 november 2008

Elliot 6m Matchrace boot voor dames in 2012

Naast de J22 en de Elliot 6m kwamen de volgende boten in aanmerking: J24, J80, laser SB3 (Match), Star, Ultimate 20 and the Yngling.

Deze boot is het dus uiteindelijk geworden:

Elliot 6m

Aldus de ISAF website:

Background To The Decision

The ISAF Council is the final decision-making body of ISAF and their decision on the 2012 Olympic equipment is one of the key issues set to be decided at this year’s ISAF Annual Conference.

The debate over the Olympic equipment has been one of the hot topics in the meeting rooms of Madrid over the past week. The Match Racing, Women’s Sailing, Equipment and Events Committees of ISAF have all looked at the issue and their recommendations have been collated and passed on to the Council to inform their decision.

The choice for Olympic equipment is governed by the rules in ISAF Regulations 16 (www.sailing.org/regulations). In summary, the key aspects of this are:

Ahead Of The Equipment Decision

  • The Olympic equipment shall be decided four years before the Games by the ISAF Council
  • For equipment to be considered as Olympic equipment there must be a valid Equipment Submission received by the ISAF Secretariat by 15 March (ISAF Regulation 16.1.2).
  • Based on these Equipment Submissions, the ISAF Council draw up a list of possible equipment at the ISAF Mid-Year Meeting in May. The reason for any equipment not being on the list is that no valid Equipment Submission was received or the Class/Owners Association indicated to ISAF they do not want to be on the list.

The Equipment Decision

Factors for the Council to consider in making their decision are:

  • Only International Classes shall sail in the Olympic Sailing Competition
  • Criteria for selecting Events & Equipment is:
    (i) allow athletes around the world, male, female and of different sizes and weights to participate;
    (ii) give the best sailors in each country the opportunity to participate in readily accessible equipment;
    (iii) combine both traditional and modern events and classes, to reflect, display and promote competitive sailing;
    (iv) include at least two events for men and two events for women designed to maximise excitement, innovation, public and media appeal; and
    (v) meet the International Olympic Committee’s criteria (if any) for participation in the Olympic Programme and achieve the current International Olympic Committee’s objective (if any) for the minimum level of participation for women;

    Additional Considerations

  • At this Conference there are also two Submissions M03-08 and M04-08, which impact on the equipment decision. These refer specifically to the new Women’s Keelboat Match Racing event and if passed would have the following implications.
  • M03-08: allow a non-International Class to sail at the Olympic Sailing Competition
  • 04-08: remove the require to choose the equipment at the Council meeting four years in advance of the Games